Yosemite - Therapeutic Waters
There is a rather interesting story related to this image (mostly because I learned something of significance related to MY photography on this day).
After several hours of hiking with some very good friends in the high country of Yosemite I arrived at this location and decided to take a break. From my sitting position I realized I had a pretty nice photo opportunity staring me right in the face. I also noticed that there were four people standing on the banks of this river just off to the left of my desired composition. Luckily I was able to frame up a nice "people free" composition and then proceeded to make several exposures. I was pleased with my initial results, but not done working the scene when I noticed this guy taking off his boots! I quickly made a few more images before he entered the water and proceeded to meander out into the middle of "my composition." I think he knew what he was doing (because I didn't miss the couple of quick glances he made in my direction) and he seemed to be in no hurry to get out of the way. Why should he let some photographer rush "HIS communion with nature." But, the longer I watched and waited (which was at least 10 minutes) for him to get out of the way the more I realized that his presence in the scene allowed me to create a more powerful image about mans connection to and appreciation of the wilderness as opposed to what would have been a rather nice landscape image by itself. I recomposed to include the man and waited just a few seconds until he moved to where I wanted him within the frame - CLICK.
I hope his experience in the river was just as rewarding for him as this image is for me.
Thank You Stranger!
[PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: "Include people in your compositions (when it fells right and adds value)"].
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