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Dana Point Harbor

Today I did a little reminiscing and visited a place that holds a lot of good memories for me - Dana Point Harbor in southern California.

I was lucky growing up for many reasons. Two of the reasons are: 1) I grew up in southern California. 2) During my teenage years my father was heavily into boating and ocean fishing.

I truly enjoyed being out on the ocean and the fishing was fun and very good back then. It put a lot of good healthy food on our table and in our bellies. I also learned a lot, like: Being a boat owner (and the eldest son of a boat owner) requires lots of hard work and long hours. Constantly washing, scrubbing, waxing and polishing. Oil changes, fresh water flushing the engine and the on-going and endless repairs. I even picked up on a few new swearwords along the way which I still put to use occasionally. One night in the Catalina harbor I learned from a distance that drinking a lot of beer and standing up in a small unstable dingy do not mix well and usually ends in a disaster. I watched two loud and obviously drunk guys fall out of their dingy into the water surrounded by at least 50 beer cans that they were hauling ashore for disposal. Note to self – don’t do that. Nowadays my father likes to say that the two best days of owning a boat are the day you buy it and the day you sell it. More precious wisdom shared…

Anyway, it was nice to spend some time in the harbor again. I decided to have a little fun with this photograph and pay tribute to my family members that always got seasick, so I used a little intentional camera motion in order to blur the scene.

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